Home » Florida Photographic Butterfly Guide » Skippers » Skippers Spread-Wings » Confused Cloudywing The 3 Cloudywings that are present in the Big Bend area of the FL Pan Handle are: Southern, Northern and Confused. They are all to varying degrees similar in range with the Northern spreading further north to the Canadian Border whilst the Southern getting as far as the southern end of the Great Lakes and the Confused stopping south of Ohio. The Southern Cloudywing has bold white markings on the upper forewing with the 5 more central markings being largely in line.  The Northern Cloudywing has a darker background color and the spots are reduced in size.  The Confused is less common and is hard to identify as it varies a great deal. But a good place to start is the white spots are less bold, as in the Northern, and the face is white as in the Southern.  The spots are generally more offset too.